Networking Know-How #1: Pre-Event Preparation

Before attending any event: open house, mixer, or party, there are a few must do's:
  • Give yourself these three descriptor words: Poised, Polished, Professional. You are judged instantaneously on your perceived income level, education and level of competence (think Blink! by Malcolm Gladwell). Remember the old axiom: Your never get a second chance to make a first impression. If you make a bad one, it will take many perfect meetings to overcome it!
  • Decide who you want to meet or see again. Left to chance, you may or may not "get lucky" and make a powerful connection that will result in revenue. Know who you want to meet in advance and seek them out.
  • Decide your purpose for attending the event. Being intentional in your actions - in advance - will eliminate networking for the sake of checking off boxes and help you to reach your goals ... sooner.
  • Speaking of goals ... give yourself one or two to achieve at the event. You may want to meet 10 new people and collect business cards, deepen a current relationship, or create new ones. Get clear to create clear results.
  • Craft a clear, concise, brief introduction. Try this: state your name, your company, who you serve and how you serve them. Here's mine: Honoree, Honoree Enterprises, I work with business owner-service providers to help them create and execute a strategic plan, while managing the day-to-day challenges of their businesses in the areas of new business development, stress, cash flow, employee management and time maximization. (Now you know my target market and perhaps someone came to mind. The same will happen for you and you may walk away with a new client and/or several potential clients.)
Next time, we'll continue with the one key item you must take with you. For $1 million in cash, be the first to tell me what it is and how to use it effectively.

Excepted with permission from Work the Room, my popular seminar for anyone who wants the networking edge in business. Are you or your staff among the 95% of people who say they are shy and avoid networking at all costs? This seminar will change the way you feel about networking in just 90 minutes. Email my COO Joan Richardson for more information: Joan{@}coachhonoree{dot}com.

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