The Power of the Handwritten Note

For years I have touted the importance is sending just a few handwritten notes every day:
  • in gratitude for things other do for you (such as buy lunch, refer new business, hire you or send a gift)
  • after meeting someone for the first time (leaves a powerful, positive impression and opens perhaps otherwise closed doors)
  • to start to bridge the gap with acquaintances from "friendly" to "friend," thus increasing the likelihood of future business*
  • to recognize someone for a personal or professional achievement
  • to offer condolences on someone's loss
  • or just to say hello and enclose an article or other piece of important information
I've found the solution for those of you who feel your handwriting - when you're not focusing on writing in your "nicest and neatest" (thank you Lexi's 2nd grade teacher, the fabulous Mrs. Fowler) - is less than stellar and even illegible. turns your handwriting into a font that you can use just like the ones that come standard on your computer. You are 7 quick steps and just $9 (!) away from having your handwriting available to you, just like Arial or Times New Roman is right now. Combined with your personalized notes, you can send notes that have that magic personal touch without the stress of wondering if they can read it.

Here is a great stationery resource. My recommendation is to have notes with your name and business address (without your business name). This elevates the relationship to personal - which is crucial for business success. In perfect or imperfect worlds, we do business with our friends - people we know, like and trust. Sending notes is one of the best ways to begin and continue that process.

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