Why I Promote Others and You Should, too!

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I'm a giver. I play from a place of win-win. If something is good for me, I really want it to be equally as good, if not better, for you. That's how I'm wired.

As I've built my platform and found my audience online and off, I've done my best to connect the best of the best with the rest. I think it's the least I could do, plus I believe I can't out-give the Universe. I do book reviews, talk about others I admire, and even make recommendations of products and services I can't live without. Why? Because I can.

But I've noticed everyone is not so generous. They promote promote promote themselves ... but others, well, not so much. I think they're missing the boat, the real and amazing benefit of having an audience and helping them to live a better life, save time or money, or even find business.

Here are the key reasons I promote others and why I think you should, too:

1. Aren't the best people and products you've found been introduced to you by someone you trust? I recently read two books that are life-changing, Hal Elrod's The Miracle Morning and Pam Grout's E-Squared: Nine Do-It Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality. I've told everyone these are "must-put-down-what-you're-reading-reads-and-start-reading" books. Are they my books? No, of course not. Do I receive compensation? Nope, not at all. Am I building goodwill and better friendships and perhaps changing a life or two? Yes, and that's my main goal.

2. The more you give, the more you get. As I've introduced other authors and bloggers on my single mom blog, I've gained new followers and readers, too. Some would say a shrewd marketing move? No doubt. But for the good of all concerned? You betcha. Win-win, remember?

3. The richness of life comes from relationships. My relationships with my friends are based on a mutual "I want you to do well," and I do everything I can to help them. I tell my daughter, "To have a friend, be a friend." So I give first. When I read a book I love, I reach out to the author and offer to help. No, not as their coach, just as someone with a voice and people who listen to that voice. You know what happens? I make a new friend, connect with a like-minded person, and sometimes, even bigger and more amazing things result. Hal Elrod and I have had some pretty amazing conversations about some pretty awesome possibilities. Pam Grout gave me advice on becoming a travel writer, i.e., how to travel like a rock star on someone else's dime and write about it. But I didn't reach out for something, I reached out to give something. 

4. It feels amazing to give something with no agenda. I absolutely love doing something for someone that benefits them without even a tiny little stake in their success. If my only reward is a thank you, that's more than enough. But very often I receive so much more, including the personal satisfaction I get from doing something just because I can. 

If you have a platform, followers, or an audience, you could introduce them to all of the cool peeps and stuff you know about you've been keeping to yourself. Wouldn't you want them to do the same? Who do I need to know or what do I need to be using/doing you haven't shared with me yet?

My Top 10 Business Growth & Development Book Recommendations

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