5 Tip Friday: Success Made Simple

One word to describe how I work: Intentionally.

Apps, software, tools I can't live without: My iPhone, MacBook Air & MacBook Pro, and iPad. Evernote and iTunes are my go-tos. I carry a stylus so I can take notes in Penultimate, which syncs with Evernote.

My favorite way to do a project: From start to finish. Reality: I have to use Brain Surgery Time to get my books written and other important projects completed on time.

My AM Routine: To make sure my attitude is right on target, I read for 20-30 minutes, followed by a 20-25 minute workout routine {I alternate cardio and weights} 6 days a week. On the seventh day, I rest, recharge and rejuvenate. I'm currently following Tim Ferriss's 4 Hour Body Program as my eating reference.

Best time saving tip: There are several, and today's share is: answer emails once a day, at the end of the day. Have an auto-responder that tells people how to reach you in the event of something {truly} urgent or emergent.

The best advice I've ever received: Play to win, instead of playing not to lose.

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