10 Attitude Boosters Every Professional Can Use

Is Your Attitude Making You More Successful?

If you are experiencing challenges in your personal and work life, you're not alone! Delays, denials, even serious devastation happens to everyone at least once in their life. 

***After you read this post, be sure to visit me at my new home here.***

When you’re on top of the world, it seems as though everything goes right. This can be attributed to “like attracts like.” You may have heard the saying, “The best time to close a deal is when you've just closed a deal.” You've reached a high vibration, or have gotten in a flow state that seemingly makes things happen. The opposite also seems to be true: you lose a client, then another, then another. What you’re focusing on, you’re getting ... positive or negative.

Here is your formula for getting back -- and keeping -- your mojo:

  • Focus on what you want. If you're focusing on what's going wrong, know this: what you're focusing on gets bigger. Create a mini-movie in your mind, a "moving visualization" of what you want to create. By all means, turn off the news. You don't need to see that again, do you?
  • Give yourself time to learn and heal. You do need to "get over it" {whatever it is} or allow enough time, but not an endless amount of time, to heal your wounds. You can actively participate in your process.
  • Ask yourself some better questions. Try these: "What's great about this?" or "What has to happen to make this situation the way that I want it?" For goodness sakes, people, do not ask, "What else can go wrong?" 
  • Get moving! Emotion is created from motion, so get moving. Sitting on the couch with a box of Oreos isn't productive {so I've heard} and will not help a bit.
  • Have faith. Sometimes the only thing you can do is know that you've survived challenging times before and you'll survive this one. The sun will come out tomorrow, and at any moment you can have the breakthrough you're looking for.
  • Remember, “be, do, and have.” You must be positive, and then do the right things to have (get) what you want. To be enthusiastic, you must decide to be enthusiastic and fake it ’til you make it.
  • Shift and the world shifts with you. Decide today is going to be an awesome day. Expect it to be awesome. Sit in a field of positive expectation and wonder what great thing is going to happen next.
  • When something less-than-fantastic happens, you can respond or react. Choose to respond in whatever way is appropriate, and then press the reset button on your attitude.
  • Dedicate yourself daily (hourly, if necessary) to expanding the scope of your positive attitude.
  • Think positive. Read positive. Listen positive. Talk positive. Affirm positive. Watch positive. Practice positive. Make yourself positive. Daily.

How do you keep your attitude positive when the chips seem stacked against you?

To Your Success,
Honorée Corder 

Honorée Enterprises, LLC. turns service providers into rainmakers, average producers into rock-stars, and dreams into reality. For more information on how we can specifically help you or your organization, click hereYou can read all about Honorée here.

A is for Ask ... or Don't Ask

***After you read this post, be sure to visit me at my new home here.***

I recently received the following request message from a connection on LinkedIn: 

"I am sending this email because this is the time of the year where we at XYZ Company really focus on the upcoming new year, increasing business and retaining current clients. 

Based on that I am reaching out to my network and seeking prospect referrals, I would like to list you as a prospect referral. As a Blank Blank Consultant, I am expected to provide a certain number of referrals, I would appreciate it if you would confirm that you don’t mind just taking a call from XYZ Company. This does not require any commitment although if you are truly in need of XYZ Company services I am happy to discuss that as well. I would really appreciate if you would reply back with your current email address and phone number. 

Additionally, if you have any contacts that you think may be a match for XYZ Company's services please forward their contact information. 

Sincerely, Name, phone number, etc."

This is one of several requests of this nature that I have received by email, through LinkedIn and even twitter. I even received a request for an endorsement from someone I don't know! In my mind, what's wrong with this picture is that I don't have a relationship with these contacts at all.

I have a strong belief that requests are best made once a relationship has reached a certain point ... when, in fact, there is an actual relationship.

There have been many times I have thought to reach out to someone because I thought an offering I had might be beneficial to them, yet I hesitated because I had dropped the follow-up ball. Meaning, I had gone too long in between touches, and therefore felt I didn't have the right to make the ask ... or any ask at all.

These types of requests are offensive because the person you're asking most likely feels (and rightly so) the only reason you're reaching out is because you want something. If you think it's too soon to ask for referrals, introductions, or for an endorsement, then it is {probably ... most likely} too soon.

My suggestion is to actually genuinely care about someone before you want something from them, and show it by developing a relationship with them. Meet them for coffee or lunch, call them to find out how they're doing and how you can help them, make an introduction to them or for them, or send them a referral.

If you develop a relationship, rather than viewing people as a possible transaction, you will fare far better. Do first, then ask. Or just don't ask.