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Is this the year you'll double your income? Is this the year you'll take time to enjoy your new-found abundance?
Is that resistance I feel from you? Are you about to start your story with how that's not possible with your current income restraints, the economy or some other constraints? If so, this post is not for you. If you're in, read on ...
- Decide. Decide you want to double your income. Brainstorm, strategize, and be open to the possibilities. The formula for results is 100% intention (begins with a decision) plus 0% mechanism. Decide and then take the next step that occurs to you. From there, you'll be able to create a workable plan.
- Discipline. Have the discipline to follow through on your plan. Success is a result of your daily habits. You make your habits, and eventually they make you. Get in the habit of taking those crucial steps each day in the direction of your dreams.
- Determination. Determination makes all the difference. When you're determined, it's not if something will happen, but when.
- Delegate. I may sound like a broken record, but stop doing anything and everything you could hire someone else to do, so you can do the things that will make your dreams and goals a reality. You don't get rich, or richer, by doing what you've always done. It's time to do something new! Start by creating what will become your team by hiring one person to do those tasks that need to get done, but not necessarily done by you.
- Do. Nothing happens until you take action. So, take action. Right action equals right results. Get moving and keep moving. Until.
- Dump. Let go of and stop striving for those things that don't move you in the right direction. Dump, or eliminate, anything on your to do list that isn't crucial and important.
You can start a "new year" on any given Monday or first of the month. It's up to you whether a year from now you will have doubled your income from the same time this year. What will you choose?