Creative Networking (and a prize for your creative thinking)
I've spent the better part of 2008 (see UPDATE below) hosting a luncheon called The Ladies Who Power Lunch. The idea was born from all the smack talk about the economy. While I'm not a fan of whining, complaining or doom predicting, I am a huge fan of coming up with creative ways to not participate in any down economy, to continue to experience increases in my business - and in this case, the businesses of the powerful women I am connected with here in Las Vegas. This is just one of many creative, out-of-the-box ideas I've implemented in my business in the past year.
Here's the model: host a lunch and invite 15-20 people you think should know each other (or know each other better). Get some giant gift bags and ask them to bring a memorable item to put in the bag for each attendee. Have each person answer the following questions (1) Who they are, (2) Company they own/work for, (3) Who they serve (ideal client), (4) How they serve them, (5) What they need next most (new business, introductions, etc.), and (6) What's their gift and why did they choose that item. As each person is introducing themselves, have the other attendees write down any ideas, connections or thoughts ... then encourage the participants to get together later to develop their budding new relationships.
As you can see above, the contents of the last power lunch were many and quite fun ... ranging from a tile with the Chinese symbol for disruption (meaning crisis and opportunity), to a journal to a Starbucks gift card.
My master lunch list now consists of well over 100 women who are all power hitters here in Las Vegas. The good news: I get to meet new women at least once a month. The great news: the attendees are expanding their networks. As they say, a rising ride raises all boats.
Just because others are experiencing lack and limitation doesn't mean you need to. Sit down and brainstorm 50 creative ways to position yourself, network effectively and generate new business and revenue.
As of December 2012, more than 60 Ladies Who Power Lunch Luncheons have been held in Las Vegas, Phoenix, Tucson and Dallas. I now live in Austin, Texas and am hosting LWPLs here, and my COO, Joan Richardson, holds them regularly in Dallas. If you're interested in attending or hosting one of our luncheons, let us know!
There are NO Messages In Your Inbox
7 Steps to an Empty Inbox
My email Inbox has exactly one email in it as I write this (although I'm sure others will find their way in shortly). If your Inbox has 100, 500 or even more than 1,000 emails, you may think having it cleaned up and cleaned out is only a dream ... a dream to be fulfilled when you say good-bye to email when you retire.
***After you read this post, be sure to visit me at my new home here.***
Not necessarily. Email is a tool to make life and business easier for you, and when used, directed and deleted properly, it can serve to do just that. You have to decide first if email is even the best way for someone to communicate with you, or, if you'd prefer something else!
I personally like email because I can respond anytime, day or night, as my schedule (and mood) allows. Just this past Friday, after a long and somewhat stressful week, I somehow summoned the energy to tackle my Inbox. I am used to having few-to-no emails in my Inbox, but the last couple of months I have let my own system slide, much to my dismay.
Here's what I discovered: email mastery was much easier than I thought, both getting it back in line, and getting everything done that needed doing.
Here is my step-by-step process to give control of your email back to the one who should have it: you!
~To your success! Honorée
Tall Order! is a book that gets to the point. It helps you pinpoint what is going to get you the results you want, starting right now. Jeffrey Gitomer says, "Don't let the size fool you -- this book is compact dynamite! Buy this book!"
Honorée Enterprises, LLC. turns service providers into rainmakers, average producers into rock-stars, and dreams into reality. For more information on how we can specifically help you or your organization, click here. You can read all about Honorée here.
My email Inbox has exactly one email in it as I write this (although I'm sure others will find their way in shortly). If your Inbox has 100, 500 or even more than 1,000 emails, you may think having it cleaned up and cleaned out is only a dream ... a dream to be fulfilled when you say good-bye to email when you retire.
***After you read this post, be sure to visit me at my new home here.***
Not necessarily. Email is a tool to make life and business easier for you, and when used, directed and deleted properly, it can serve to do just that. You have to decide first if email is even the best way for someone to communicate with you, or, if you'd prefer something else!
I personally like email because I can respond anytime, day or night, as my schedule (and mood) allows. Just this past Friday, after a long and somewhat stressful week, I somehow summoned the energy to tackle my Inbox. I am used to having few-to-no emails in my Inbox, but the last couple of months I have let my own system slide, much to my dismay.
Here's what I discovered: email mastery was much easier than I thought, both getting it back in line, and getting everything done that needed doing.
Here is my step-by-step process to give control of your email back to the one who should have it: you!
- Step One: Delete. Mercilessly delete emails that are of no use to you, now or in the future. Delete them all in one, two or three steps by simply checking the emails that need to be deleted and press delete. Doesn't that feel great? You probably just eliminated 50% of your emails. Deep breath. Keep going.
- Step Two: Create a TO DO List as a Non-Negotiable Calendar Appointment. Block out two hours as one two-hour block or two one-hour blocks. As you go through each of the remaining emails, put what needs to be done (return call, answer email, create document, etc.) on your list. Be sure to include phone numbers, websites, or the location of where you filed the email. I use the Notes section of my Calendar Appointment for this list. When the time comes, you'll know exactly what needs to be done, and you'll get it all done in record time.
- Step Three: Create Files and Save. Create files, just like you have in your computer, to save important emails for later reference. Move only the most important emails into those folders, and delete the rest. From time to time, delete an unnecessary files. I have a file for each corporate client, and these: TO READ, TO DO, TO FILE, SAVE, and PENDING. Create the folders that will help you stay organized and find what you need in seconds.
- Step Four: Unsubscribe. If you haven't read the last five ezines from Gardening Today, you probably don't want to read them. As new emails come in to your Inbox, you'll notice them because they don't have a lot of "friends." When appropriate, go to the bottom and click "unsubscribe." If, by chance, you miss getting them, you can always subscribe again later. Alternatively, you can save them into a Gardening Today folder, or even create the aforementioned "TO READ" folder for any downtime you have (does anyone really have downtime anyway)?
- Step Five: Create Rules. You can use keywords or email addresses to automatically sort incoming emails into the folder of your choosing. Emails from clients can go automatically into their folder. You'll see the folder become bold when a new email appears.
- Step Six: Use Auto-Responders. I read email every day right around 4 p.m. That's generally the end of my day, and I can get through them quickly and easily using these tactics. I let people know with my AutoResponder when I'm going to respond to them (90% of the time, anyway), so if they have something urgent, they can text or call me. Guess how often I get a text or a call? You guessed it, not that often.
- Step Seven: Just as you may use my strategy for pre-scheduling your next week before you wrap up on Fridays, from now on be sure to calendar time each week to clean up and clean out your Inbox so you never find yourself under "email water" ever again.
~To your success! Honorée
Tall Order! is a book that gets to the point. It helps you pinpoint what is going to get you the results you want, starting right now. Jeffrey Gitomer says, "Don't let the size fool you -- this book is compact dynamite! Buy this book!"
Honorée Enterprises, LLC. turns service providers into rainmakers, average producers into rock-stars, and dreams into reality. For more information on how we can specifically help you or your organization, click here. You can read all about Honorée here.
P is for Perfection
Perfect doesn't exist. I know, I spent far too many years looking for it, striving for it and pretending I had it.
I had a long conversation today with a close friend and colleague about perfection, happiness and success. She wanted to know how I "do it" and "make it look so easy." While I appreciate that, I thought this post could shed some light on what I do that works for me, and help you discover what might work for you. My readers, clients and followers tend to be "type-A, Mach-1 with their hair on fire" types who are uber-successful and not always happy with the process.
We have learned that we are supposed to be busy (all the time). We’re supposed to say yes to everyone, be completely frenetic and crazy. No-one wants to see someone who is calm, collected, and organized because they think they’re a freak of nature. But that actually is our natural state. It is YOUR natural state. Let me help you get there, starting now:
· Take a few steps back to make a giant leap forward. You'll do this by getting organized. Whether you're almost there and it just takes a few hours this afternoon to clean out "that last drawer" or several blocked-off days to get every last closet, room and car done, get yourself organized. There are amazing professional organizers who can help you find a place for everything and get everything in it's place.
· Take control of your mind and body. You'll do this by moving, breathing, listening, learning, and being grateful. If you think you don't have time, you don't not have the time to take care of yourself, learn something new, stop and smell the roses. Do you see the guy down the hall who's got 10 or 20 years on you, he's overweight, divorced and miserable? He might be a little more financially wealthy, but emotionally, physically, spiritually and in his relationships he's bankrupt. I don't want that to be you. You don't want that to be you!
· Take stock. You'll do this by deciding what you truly want and moving in that direction. Change disciplines or careers entirely, or just finally learn French, or to paint, go to Europe, or put some art on your walls. It doesn't matter: get excited about something you have been wanting to get excited about, and do something, even one small thing, about it. Today.
· Get focused. You'll do this by stopping all of the minutiae nonsense, time-wasting activities and "stuff" you don't love (or like). If you're a professional, spend your time doing two things: (1) making money* and (2) enjoying the money you make.
*Let your assistant do all of the things you're doing that are she/he could be doing. You should be billing many more of the hours you're working.
*Let your assistant do all of the things you're doing that are she/he could be doing. You should be billing many more of the hours you're working.
Enjoy today. You never know, it could just be your last day.
It's your life and you get to decide -- so decide and get going!
~To your success! Honorée
Tall Order! is a book that gets to the point. It helps you pinpoint what is going to get you the results you want, starting right now. Jeffrey Gitomer says, "Don't let the size fool you -- this book is compact dynamite! Buy this book!"
Honorée Enterprises, LLC. turns service providers into rainmakers, average producers into rock-stars, and dreams into reality. For more information on how we can specifically help you or your organization, click here. You can read all about Honorée here.
T is for Time Maximization
***After you read this post, be sure to visit me at my new home here.***
Time management is a lie. You don't manage your time. You either maximize the time you have, or you don't. Meaning, you either intend the outcomes and decide how your day goes, or the day gets away from you.
Your day, every day, can feel like you left it all on the floor and got everything done you wanted to, and here's how:
1. Define the most important areas of focus. There are probably three to five, such as: rainmaking, keeping current clients thrilled, staff development, recruiting, executing work product, social media, writing, etc.
2. Define how much time you'll devote to each area, each day. You've got 8-9 (-12) work hours in a day, how are you going to "spend" those hours? Once they're gone, they're gone! If you're a writer, how many hours a day must you write? A tax preparer? You can do double-duty of work-product execution and keeping current clients thrilled by putting your head down and getting that work done. I would add, "on time and under budget" ... and that's another discussion. Spend your work hours as you would spend your dollars - with intention and thoughtfully.
3. Now that you've pre-determined you need to do "X" for "three" hours a day, calendar that as if it were a meeting with your top client. You wouldn't let distractions or interruptions come between you and your top client, would you? Well guess what, ultimately you are your top client!
4. Communicate these blocks of time with your staff and co-workers. You'll definitely have to train those who have desired (and gotten) instant gratification from you in the past. Unavailable right now doesn't mean you won't be available in a short time, it just means you're better at getting things done when you're focused and uninterrupted, so that's what you're doing.
You can use my favorite phrase "I'm on deadline." Throw it around, because people understand it and they respond to it by literally running the other direction or hanging up the phone. The truth is, if you have goals, you're on deadline. It just might not be a looming, hard-stop deadline (in your mind), so you aren't thinking about it non-stop. That, too, is another discussion. Simply said, you are on a deadline to complete your most important professional functions every single day. You will easily achieve your goals when you honor that fact.
Tall Order! is a book that gets to the point. It helps you pinpoint what is going to get you the results you want, starting right now. Jeffrey Gitomer says, "Don't let the size fool you -- this book is compact dynamite! Buy this book!"
Honorée Enterprises, LLC. turns service providers into rainmakers, average producers into rock-stars, and dreams into reality. For more information on how we can specifically help you or your organization, click here. You can read all about Honorée here.
IN MEMORIAM - Dr. Steven Covey, 1932-2012
What is the difference between a (wo)man who changes the world and the one who doesn't?
Belief that they can. Belief they deserve to make their contribution, and the world deserves to receive it. Belief that the world will suffer if they play small, so they choose to play BIG. Dr. Covey played BIG.
Belief that they can. Belief they deserve to make their contribution, and the world deserves to receive it. Belief that the world will suffer if they play small, so they choose to play BIG. Dr. Covey played BIG.
“I am personally convinced that one person can be a change catalyst, a “transformer” in any situation, any organization. Such an individual is yeast that can leaven an entire loaf. It requires vision, initiative, patience, respect, persistence, courage, and faith to be a transforming leader.”
- Dr. Stephen Covey, Author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Get your own copy of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People here.
Show Your Gratitude

***After you read this post, be sure to visit me at my new home here.***
Does this image look familiar to you? It's a basic thank you note, one that arrives in the mail. When was the last time you got a thank you note? I bet it was the first piece of mail you opened that day, right? Handwritten notes are special, and they have become more special in recent years, as it has become commonplace to connect via email.
Better question: When was the last time you sent a thank you note?
No matter how many times I say it, I still hear of people sending their thank you notes via email. While that's perfectly fine, the top 1% of all achievers take the time to do 1%-er activities ... among them, sending a hand-written thank you note when appropriate.
Let's talk about when it's a great idea to send a note:
(a) someone does something nice for you or on your behalf (which may save you time, energy and/or money),
(b) someone treats you to a meal or a cup of coffee,
(c) someone refers you a potential client*,
(d) when you receive a gift of any kind (even if you don't love it),
(e) someone takes the time to meet with you, or
(f) you feel the need to say thank you.
Show your gratitude, and always be sure to say it in writing.
It only takes a few moments to write out a note, and I suggest making it a Notable Note: one that will leave an impression and express how appreciative you feel.
Keep a stack of notes on your desk with a roll of stamps. Make time each day to send a note to a few people who have made a difference in that day. Those few minutes may be the catalyst for something amazing happening later. Attorney John Kralik used this method, and it changed his life. You'll enjoy reading his book.
Simple Steps for Writing a Notable Note:
The Rule of Three:
- Take
3 minutes: a notable note will take three minutes or less to write,
address, stamp and send
- 3
Sentences: The heart of your note will include three sentences:
- Thank you for taking the time
to meet with me.
- I enjoyed learning more about
the clients you serve and your philosophy on wealth management.
- I look forward to making
powerful introductions to you and for you.
- Within
3 days. Be sure to mail your note within three days
Notable Notes:
- are
written in blue ink. It looks
original and positive.
- are
simple: Use unbranded cards with
a symbol or your monogram. It’s a
personal note.
- are
dated: Include the date in this
format: Friday, January 3, 2014
- contain
an appropriate salutation: Use a
title and various parts of someone’s name to signal more or less
familiarity, more or less formality, such as: Dear Alexandra {or Lexi} or Dear Bill {or William}
- include
a P.S. {post script} with a call-to-action, asking the recipient to call
or email you.
Be a 1%-er and start sending notes today. You'll be glad you did!
*If you actually get the new client, be sure to do something expressing your wallet's gratitude, in addition to a note.
Triumphing Over Challenges
Just when you think the way has cleared for a smooth ride, challenges come up just to keep things interesting. How do you find success in the face of setbacks? You follow a simple set of strategies that make all the difference.
- Strategy #1: The minute you decide to stay in the game, you're in the top 10%. About 90% of people simply give up, so by re-committing to your desired outcome, you're already way ahead!
- Strategy #2: Surround yourself with winners. Your associates determine your success, so choose wisely who you have around you.
- Strategy #3: Make your self-talk superb. Create a personal mantra, like, "I can do this!" or "I am unstoppable!" and use it to keep your mind right.
- Strategy #4: Mistakes are invaluable, so learn from them. Super-achievers know they will either (a) do well in something they undertake or (b) learn some valuable lessons. Most successful people actually "fail their way to success."
- Strategy #5: Don't marinate in your failure. A quick recovery is key to upward mobility. The longer you spend feeling sorry for yourself, wallow or whine, the longer it will take for you to regain your moment. Just like in prize-fighting, you've got exactly ten seconds to get up and if you don't, you've lost the fight. Decide that no matter what knocks you down, it won't keep you down.
When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade or lemon mousse! You decide to be a winner and let the best you shine through.
Achieving Your Big Hairy Audacious Goals with Brain Surgery Time
***After you read this post, be sure to visit me at my new home here.***
As discussed last week in my post on challenges, BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) are the goals that get you up early and keep you up late. Very often I find that people who set the biggest of the BHAGs are the ones that have other things on their plates ... other jobs, responsibilities and distractions. In order to achieve your goals in record time, use a strategy known as Private Work Time (PWT), or as I call it: Brain-Surgery Time (BST).
Here’s the analogy: five minutes from now you fall to the floor, unconscious. After being rushed to the emergency room, doctors run tests and determine you need brain surgery. Good news! The most respected and highly skilled brain surgeon in the world is available to work on you (and miraculously, he’s covered by your insurance). He’s available tomorrow from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. to complete the five hours of surgery necessary to save your life. Can you think of any reason you would miss the opportunity to have him do your surgery? Of course not! You would be there, regardless of any other phone call, email or interruption that might come up.
When you schedule time to do what needs to be done, time working on your business, working in your business, and quality time with your family, your kids, and yourself, you must treat it like “BST,” or, an action item that simply must be done, cannot be missed.
Of course you can be flexible – and you can also learn to stay focused on what is truly important to you. When an opportunity to close a deal or pitch a prospect arises, simply reschedule your blocked time so the important goal-achieving activities get done at your next possible opportunity. When the phone rings or email dings, wait until your next break to answer it so you don't break your flow.
To execute: Use BST in the form of time blocks to make measurable progress toward your goals. Schedule an hour each week to do your planning. Turn off the phones, pagers, cell phones, email and television. Block out time for what’s most important, and you'll find that as you close the door on your week, you will be closing in on your BHAGs.
“We all have the same 24-hours each day. The difference between your future success or failure is up to you, your attitude and where you focus your time.” ~Honorée Corder
The Two Best Ways to Grow and Generate Revenue
Most of us understand our businesses as well as we understand our cars: we know we're supposed to take care of them so they'll take care of us, but when it comes to grasping exactly what that all means, we're not entirely sure how to execute it exactly right. If you want to experience growth in your business, you need look no further than the people you already work with, and the people they know, as well as the people you already know.
At then end of the day, I find that most of my clients overlook the low-hanging fruit: the business that already surrounds them. We sometimes are so busy looking for the "new" that we overlook what we already are connected to. Our businesses have two very important ways they grow and generate revenue. Each piece of the puzzle is important, and each needs our constant, consistent, and intentional attention.
- First, there are our existing clients. In order to have high client retention, our clients must receive outstanding service. Not "good" or "okay" service, but absolutely mind-blowing amazing service. I recently talked to an attorney who used a coach last year -- he said, "It was okay, not great, but I did enjoy the process." In my mind, just enjoying the coaching process and our conversations is not what I want my clients to take away from our conversations! I want every client to walk away from our sessions feeling like it was time and money very well spent: that they are better for the interaction and it will positively impact their lives and businesses today and every day going forward. When you are able to increase retention, this actually factors into your growth ... both because you're losing less, and because of #2.
- Second, there are potential clients. When #1 is executed properly, you should have a steady stream of potential clients being referred to you on a regular basis. Your clients can be your unpaid or modestly compensated, and much-appreciated, marketing arm. When you provide incredible products and services, your clients won't be able to help themselves: they will tell their clients and contacts ... either explicitly or implicitly. I have had a number of clients come my way because they office across the hall from someone who has benefitted from my coaching. Your results with your clients will speak for themselves, and those around them will want what you're selling, too. Additionally, you should "ABM": always be marketing. Always be telling your story to pre-selected target clients and strategic partners. The more you make (appointments, connections, etc.), the more you make (dollars, dineros, yen).
Focusing on both of these items will ensure you reach your goals faster and with very little wasted effort. Don't you have some calls to make today?
Honorée Enterprises, LLC. turns service providers into rainmakers, average producers into rock-stars, and dreams into reality. For more information on how we can specifically help you or your organization, click here. You can read all about Honorée here.
What's Your Unfair Selling Position (USP)?
I believe everyone has a "USP" (Unique Selling Proposition): it's what sets you apart from your "competition." There may be someone who does what you do, but I guarantee if you dig a little deeper, you have qualities, characteristics and qualifications that make you unique and different. When you identify them, you give yourself an advantage.
An advantage you can take to the bank.
This is particularly helpful if you've just changed careers, and have been in your current position less than five years. It's difficult to get someone to take you seriously if you're a "newbie" because most of us want to do business with people who have lots of credibility - it just makes most people comfortable to do business with people who have experience. Except it's not just current professional experience that contributes to your ability to perform. (Just remember to tell the truth about how long you've been doing something. I see people add a year or two here and there. Being out of integrity just isn't the way to go.)
Now, let's move on to the fact that there are other coaches, realtors, financial advisors, attorneys, CPAs, etc. If you consider yourself "just" another professional in your discipline, there's an opportunity to shift that perspective and dominate your new market share. Stop right now and take into consideration everything you've done, every job you've had, every class you've taken, and every place you've traveled that has brought you to today. Make a list of the distinctions you've made that contribute to your ability to get your job done, and very well.
You must be confident in what you do in order for others to feel confident in you. You must stand up in order to stand out!
I had this question posed to me by a realtor in Tennessee ... "Everyone's a realtor ... how do I set myself apart?"
I made a few suggestions, which I believe transcend all professions. There's great news here, because (unfortunately) the bar is pretty low.
In the end, your USP is really your Unfair Selling Position - it is you going for what you truly want, being authentic, creating and giving your clients what they want, and being amazingly successful.
I made a few suggestions, which I believe transcend all professions. There's great news here, because (unfortunately) the bar is pretty low.
- Get clear about what sets you apart. Develop your "tagline" and put it in your 30-Second Sound Bite: "I turn service providers into rainmakers, average producers into rock-stars, and dreams into reality." The truth is, when I first started coaching, I had years of experience in doing that, just not as a coach! But my coach showed me how I was different, and how I really had years of experience I could "sell." Now, thirteen years later, I consider myself to have more than 20 years of experience.
- Notice the challenges you have with other "professionals" and do the opposite of what they're doing ... such as: failing to return phone calls or respond to emails in a timely fashion. I'm a huge fan of these two solid business rules: (1) do what you say you're going to do and (2) call people back, no matter what you are going to say (yes, no, or maybe). It's a sad day when that's a high standard that others simply fail to reach. Take the time to set your own standard and do your best to live up to it.
- Get on the cutting edge - then take the leader's position. A leader creates new technology, programs, or processes. They take a stand, back it up with logic, and use it to make their clients live and businesses better. Define what could make your clients lives dramatically improve, refine your process, and then make it what sets you apart. Followers imitate others, and are always behind. You know how to make a difference to those you serve, so trust your instincts and intuition. Become a thinker who expresses what you know to be the truth!
- Remove any and all desperation. If you need 200 clients but you only have 80, you "feel" to potential clients you like you need them. Instead, create the mindset that you have a booming, prosperous business with a 198 clients ... and if you take on one or two more, you'll be completely full! Doesn't that feel differently to you? It will to your potential clients as well. This will require you to consciously focus on the positive possibilities and take consistent action toward the achievement of your goals, which means you will be unable to focus on the fear (you'll simply be much too busy). Instead of convincing your potential clients why they should hire you, let them convince you why you need to "let them hire you." You don't have time to work with everyone - or just anyone. You take on only the best, most friendly and incredibly qualified clients (right?). When that is the picture you create in your mind's eye about your business, it won't be long until that picture is your reality.
Honorée Enterprises, LLC. turns service providers into rainmakers, average producers into rock-stars, and dreams into reality. For more information on how we can specifically help you or your organization, click here. You can read all about Honorée here.
T is for Transforming Your Language
Transforming your language, specifically using transformative language is one of the more basic and yet amazingly powerful, keys to a successful life, business or relationship.
The language we choose to use is, without a doubt, incredibly powerful. Do you realize you are choosing (intentionally or by default) the language you use, and when you do, you are literally choosing your material circumstances? Your life will look and feel a lot like this:
Let's start with questions: I know from working with successful people that the most successful people have the ability to ask themselves the right questions. Because your mind is a finely-tuned computer and it will answer any question you ask it, if you ask yourself the question: "How can I get this done today?" your brain will come up with an answer. The converse is also true. If you ask, "Why am I so stupid?" your brain will answer that question, too. Your true power lies in the ability to pre-determine the questions you ask, which includes the words you intentionally choose.
The words you choose make up your questions, and as I just mentioned, you get to intentionally choose your words. Pay close attention to how emotionally-charged your words are, such as, do you use highly-charged negative words, such as enraged, irate, depressed? Could you lower their intensity and use irritated, frustrated, or even peeved? The word "peeved" actually causes me to smile, which changes how I'm feeling immediately. Try becoming interested instead of angry. I've taught myself to reserve judgement until I have more information in a situation that is causing my blood-pressure to rise. It doesn't mean that more information doesn't cause me to get angry, I'm just much more careful about using the word angry!
I advise you to lower the intensity of the negative words you're choosing, and raise the intensity of the positive words you're using. I taught my daughter to say "fabulous" when she's asked the question, "How are you?" What's your answer to that question? Do you answer honestly, and by honestly, I mean, "Fine." or even "I'm having the worst day ..."
"I'm depressed" is frankly too much information for anyone other than your spouse, best friend, mom, or therapist. No-one cares about your problems, truly they don't. They may have compassion, but they don't want to hear every single detail about your divorce, bad day at work, or (seriously?) PMS! The side benefit about getting intentional with your words and using transformative language will be that others will be excited to hear what you have to say next. Don't you agree that people are drawn to people who have positive energy? Don't you also agree that when someone talks about their problems, they are the opposite of someone who has positive energy?
All of these pieces fit nicely together to help form your puzzle called success. Spend some time today listening to your language, and the language of others. See what you can notice, and then take action on what could be most effective for you. Choosing your words and questions will go a long way toward transforming your life into just what you want it to be.
Honorée Enterprises, LLC. turns service providers into rainmakers,
average producers into rock-stars, and dreams into reality. For
more information on how we can specifically help you or your
organization, click here. You can read all about Honorée here.
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