Just One Thing

What is one skill or ability, if you performed it on a regular basis, in an excellent way, would have maximum positive impact (MPI) on your business?
  •  Identify just one skill or ability. 
  • Create a plan to achieve it.
    • Your plan could take a year, 3 years or 5 years. Schedule time every day for 30-60 minutes, 5 days a week. In a year, 3 years or 5 years, you'll be an expert and able to command higher fees.
  •  Commit to yourself and follow through by setting a SMART (specific, measureable, attainable, risky, time-sensitive) goal for its completion. And tell it to your coach.
A specialist always makes more than a generalist. An expert always makes more than someone new or even someone competent. Who do you want to hire? Who do you want to be?

Success or Failure Depends on Resourceful

I talked recently about your A Game vs. your B game. A big part of your A Game is being resourceful. When I'm resourceful, I feel invincible, powerful ~ like I can handle anything! When I'm in an unresourceful state of mind, body or emotion (or all three), I feel the opposite. Even the little things get me down, and I'm sure you can relate. Like your A Game, you've got to crack the code on making sure you feel resourceful and can therefore handle anything life throws at you.

Being resourceful is being calm, confident and feeling powerful. Here are 7 steps to creating a resourceful state of mind (from scratch). I suggest practicing now, while you're feeling pretty good.*

1. Select previous success experience and bring it to mind. Run the movie in your head for a few minutes.

2. Intensify that moment. Use ALL of your senses to take yourself there, but make it bigger, better and brighter than it was when it happened.

3. Think of one word that sums of your experience, a key word that reminds you of that time/success and how great you feel about it.

4. Sit up straight. Look up. Take a deep breath. (*Smile.*)

5. Close your eyes and clinch your fist. Repeat your key word out loud

6. Intensify your memory of that original experience. Live that experience again and again and again until you're literally vibrating with excitement.

7. Unclench your fist and open your eyes. Now, go have an amazing day.

For those of you disbelievers, just trust me. Have I steered you off course ever before? No, of course not. Try it, what have you got to lose but that sour face? You've got everything to gain. That's why I'm writing this for you, right now. I'll be ready to hear your great report.

*What? You're not feeling good? Call the person who has the ability to make you feel fantastic right now. To avoid spiraling further down, for goodness sake people by all means do not tell them your story, ask them to spend three full minutes telling you how terrific you are, making sure they don't leave anything out. When the three minutes is up, hang up! You can always fill 'em in later, after you've gotten yourself into a better place.

August is a Great Month to ..

August is great month to have fun, feel free and allow yourself to attract effortlessly what you want.

Set three powerful intentions for the month (10 new client, $50,000 in new revenue, lose 8 lbs.). Intentions are goals on steroids, because an intention will happen, where goals (sometimes) are "I'd like them to happen.

What are the three strong actions you must and will take to support your intentions?

Let go and/or eliminate. What are three things (tolerations, energy sucking people, clutter, etc.) you will let go of in August to support your intentions? What is one thing you will stop doing this month?

What is one thing you will do to solidify your finances and financial future this month?

Choose a focus word for this month, such as: fun, focused, intentional, results.

Make August amazing!

Tolerations are Slowing You Down!

A simple question to ask yourself today:  "What am I tolerating?" 

Tolerations are things (activities, relationships, incomplete projects, to do items, people, situations, etc.) that you are putting up with and not handling for one reason or another.

Tolerations zap your energy and keep you unfocused and off-balance. They are a slow-leak in your tires, making you less efficient, effective and more stressed. Most tolerations are a choice, a few are beyond our control.  By handling the ones that we can, we are empowered to manage the ones we can't. It's not always easy, but it's always worth it!

You have three choices to deal with a toleration:
  1. You can surrender and accept it. The situation or person may never change. Are you wasting energy, time and possibly even money waiting on that possibility? Perhaps the best thing is to just allow what is to be what is.
  2. You can eliminate it (or the person) from your life. This could involve you handling a situation and it is therefore eliminated, or ending a friendship or relationship. Sometimes this one is the hardest because it means you'll have to dig deep and make a tough, painful decision that is the best for all concerned in the long run. Always consider the long-term consequences when choosing this option. Most of the time if you think you need to eliminate something or someone, you're absolutely right.
  3. You can change it. Or attempt to change it. Sometimes the best way to change a situation or relationship is to change the stimulus (you). When the stimulus changes, the response changes.

Go ahead, make a list of five things right now that you're putting up with and can handle right now. By doing do, you'll begin to build your weak "no tolerations allowed muscle." This will make future tolerations less likely to be tolerated by you, or at least for a shorter period of time.

Just so you know, you're worth it. (Yes, you.)

Now pick one thing and handle it today. If you're feeling sassy and inspired, do the same thing tomorrow and the next day! Post a comment and let me know what you did and how you feel now. I'll bet $5 you're feeling pretty great.

You Is Where You Is

All growth begins with the willingness to recognize and "value" where you are right now in each area of life. Until we understand this, we waste a lot of time and energy.

"To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose (event or activity)."

I suggest that there are four stages, or seasons through which every purpose in our lives must grow. These seasons are collectively perpetual and individually distinct in the way they serve us.

Modeled after the four natural seasons, these four "seasons of purpose" are designed to support the process of conception, inward growth, outward success and renewal.

Consider this model:
Spring - a time to prepare the ground and plant (conception). This is the season to initiate new action.
Summer - a season of nurture (inner, often hidden growth). Example: Spiritually, this is closet time.
Fall - a time of harvest (outer reward). This is a time to receive, often a season of focused work.
Winter - a season of renewal (rest). This is a time to reflect, renew, plan, learn new skills and sharpen tools.

Five Things to Consider:

1. Since everything that happens serves you, the place where you are right now is the perfect place to be.
2. Each season has it's own lessons and rewards.
3. The "next level" only becomes possible when you "get" the lessons of the present.
4. Just are there are multiple levels of purpose at work in each of our lives at any given moment, you can be at very distinct stages of purpose in each area of life (i.e. spiritually in fall, career in spring, financially in winter).
5. Expecting results inconsistent with the season you're in can cause you to miss the purpose of the present.

Here are your action steps:

Consider each area of your life and respond to these questions for each of the following:

Life Areas: Spiritual, Physical (Health, Energy), Relationships, Career, Finances & Money, or an area not listed here.

Which season am I in, in this life area?
Am I expecting results inconsistent with this season?
Have I tried to skip a season or two in this area?
What 3 actions can I take now consistent with this season of purpose in this area?
Which season am I in overall?

Remember, each season of purpose contains within it a gift, lesson or message that is necessary for success in the next season. Refusing to graciously receive, honor and patiently growth through the lessons of our present season can be painful and costly.

>> The lessons we refuse we must repeat. <<

Working with a coach helps you "get" more of the lessons now so you can move on to the next season faster. Please email me your responses: Honoree@CoachHonoree.com.

What BOLD MOVE Could Set You Free?

An observation: the true meaning of courage is … “to be afraid, and then, with your knees knocking and your heart racing, to step out anyway - even when that step makes sense to nobody but you. That's not easy. But making a BOLD MOVE is the only way to truly advance toward the grandest vision the universe has for you." (O magazine article, 04/01)

Ask yourself:
"What am I afraid of?"
"How has this fear held me back?"
"How has this fear kept me playing a smaller game in life?"

To experience our greatest potential, we must acknowledge, or act as knowing, that fear is simply a door through which we must pass in order to gain the courage to live fully.

Here's your ACTION STEP:

Write down 3 things you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want over the next 100 days. (You have permission to THINK and PLAY BIG!)

Did you do it? Great! Now email me the 3 things you REALLY want to accomplish in the next 100 days: Honoree@CoachHonoree.com

P.S. More from the "O" article: "It's true that when you dare to step out, speak up, change yourself, or simply do something outside what others call the norm, the results may not always be pleasant. You'll fall down. Others will call you nutty. You'll be so exhausted that you'll want to quit. People won't like you all the time. But the alternatives are even scarier: You might find yourself stuck in a miserable rut for years at a time. Or you could spend too many days languishing in regret, always wondering, what would my life have been like if I hadn't cared so much about about what others thought

One Key Ingredient for Success

I was having lunch with a prospective coaching client the other day. We talked about his aspirations: where he was currently, and where he wanted to be, and how to arrive at his intended destination as quickly and easily as possible.

At the end of our lengthy conversation, he asked me what the key ingredient was: the one thing that successful people do in order to create the results they want to create. What was preventing him from pursuing this dream that he was so clearly passionate about? He was looking for a magic pill, the one thing that he could do.

After our meeting, I reflected on this very point. I realized that there is this "one thing" that is absolutely essential. While other traits may or may not be present, successful people always possess this one characteristic. Without it, one could not possibly achieve their desired outcome.

What is this important trait?


Think about it: He has an incredible idea (maybe you do, too?). He is visibly passionate as he describes this entrepreneurial opportunity. He has reviewed this plan over and over, sought input from others and examined the possibilities from every angle. But he hasn't taken action. There's just a little bit of doubt about the viability of his idea, and it has prevented him from taking action on an idea that he has been carrying around for almost six years!

Until and unless he takes action, he will never achieve his desired outcome. Unless and until you take action, you will wonder five (or ten or twenty-five) years from now why this idea is still stirring around in your head. Action sets the whole process in motion. It takes what now is only an idea and makes it real. When you take action, when you take that first step, results are produced. They may or may not be the desired results, but every step you take moves you closer to your desired outcome.

When an airplane is on autopilot, it's off course as much as 95% of the time; however, it is constantly moving toward the destination. I love this metaphor, which so accurately reflects the dynamics of our own journey. Theodore Roosevelt once said, "There is nothing brilliant nor outstanding in my record, except perhaps one thing: I do the things I believe ought to be done...and when I make up my mind to do a thing, I act."

Sure, there are other "habits" of successful people, and they are all important. If they are all present, then nothing can stop you! You can set goals, and you can think positive, and you can visualize and affirm and practice all the other success habits. However, if you don't take action, the other habits will all be for nothing!

As the Nike commercial says, Just Do It. Decide that you will take one small step. Then another. Then another. Like an infant learning to walk, do not allow the obstacle of an occasional fall to stop you. Pretty soon, you'll be walking. Then jogging. Then sprinting toward your destination. You'll gain momentum, just by first putting one foot in front of the other. Just do it! You'll be so incredibly glad you did!

What is Your B Game Costing You?

Good morning! It's a great morning, and as always, I'm fired up and ready for a great day. How about you?

I'm often asked the question, "Are you always happy? Do you ever have a bad day?" The answer is no, I'm not always happy (but you wouldn't know about it) and yes, I have the occasional bad day (and you wouldn't know about them either). The reason I'm mostly always happy and my bad days don't "take me out" is because I've cracked my own personal success and attitude code, and it keeps me on my A Game, even when I don't necessarily feel like it.

This was driven home recently when a woman approached me after a meeting I had in a local coffee shop. She said she just had to stop me and talk with me ... because of how I "showed up." My energy was contagious and she felt like I was someone she needed to know. You know what happened next? She hired me! After a great second meeting, she became a new friend and a new client. Funny thing is, I was open and receptive to her because of her good energy!

That left me pondering: what are all of the opportunities I've missed because I didn't feel like putting myself in a peak state that day? (Those are numbers I frankly don't want to know!) It also made me think about why I've consistently (meaning month-over-month and year-over-year) had businesses that continue to grow and how, perhaps, my A Game has contributed. What was the root cause? How did my A Game support my vision and goals? When has my B Game (F Game?) caused me to fail in situations where I could've succeeded with some simple shifts?

The answer is your B Game costs you opportunities, situations, relationships, joy, and money. Your B Game is when you don't show up on time, fail to capitalize on opportunities, return calls or emails in a timely manner, give good but not fantastic service, wear less-than-your-best (you know what I mean), are less than your best.

Your A Game is you at your best, give your best, and expect nothing but the best. It shows up in your attitude, your results, and most prominently, your bottom line. The question is: how do you consistently turn on your A Game, even when you don't feel like it? The answer will require you to do some personal research and dig deep. It will also require you to do these things even when you don't feel like doing them.

Here are some questions to help:
  • What can you do on a daily basis, first thing in the morning, to get your mind right?
    • I suggest reading a great book, listening to inspiration audios, or watching an inspiring movie. Right now I'm reading Who by Smart & Street, listening to Accelerated Learning by Brian Tracy, and watching Rocky IV. Have a stack of books, visit nightingale.com for audios on all motivational subjects, and Amazon.com for every inspirational movie ever.
    • Move your body. You can take up marathon training or you can just go for a walk. Either way, you're going to get the oxygen circulating, blood pumping and the energy moving. You're more likely to do good when you feel good.
  • Who do you have around you (and how do they make you feel)?
    •  Regardless how your boss, employees or current friends make you feel (and I hope they make you feel unbelievably great), you can begin to collect amazing people with incredible energy who, just by being around them, make you feel like you can accomplish anything.
    • Note: Have someone in your life that doesn't make you feel that way? It might be time for them to go ... just a thought.
  •  What can you do the rest of the day to set yourself up to win?
    • Notice what you're eating, listening to, watching, reading, and who you're hanging out with and how they make you feel. Do they make you feel good or not so good? When I watch a movie, for example, and it makes me very sad, I don't watch that movie again. I pay attention to how each and every thing, situation and person makes me feel. I want an abundance of all things, situations and people that make me feel great. Selection in every situation is key.
Your choices in each of these areas are instrumental in how easily and effortlessly you're able to execute your A Game.  Or not. Choose wisely.
    The bottom line is that you have the opportunity each day and in every moment to choose how you show up, to activate your A Game or settle for your B Game. In my opinion, the cost is too great to leave it to chance. Here's to your success!

    Consistent, Daily Actions Make All the Long-Term Difference

    In this world of instant gratification, we all want to lose 30 lbs. in 30 minutes, have cheap yet still healthy, nutritious home-cooked meals delivered to our door, as well as a big fat income and lots of clients by running ads on TV for a week. That's all fine and good, and here's a newsflash: it's not reality for long-term success. We all want success to be "one and done" and unfortunately most of the time, that isn't what happens. (I know, I wish it was, too.)

    The good news is that a part of your long-term success is easily within your grasp, and what it will take on your part is constant attention to the area or areas you want to ultimately excel and thrive in.

    Just as you don't train for a marathon in a day or a week, your life-long success comes from your daily actions. If you want 100 new clients in the next year, that's one new client every three and a half days. Working backwards from your goal, how many suspects (possible clients that fit your ideal client profile) do you need to find? Out of those, how many prospects will result, and out of your viable prospects, how many will engage you? For some, it's 10 suspects to get 8 real prospects to get 1 new client. For others, it's 5, 3 and 1. If you're the latter, you'll need to find 500 suspects, which become 300 prospects to get your 100 clients. The numbers are exact, yet they give a true picture of the effort that's necessary. What they tell you is that you need to be talking to 15 people every three-four days. Is that what you're currently doing? (When is NOW the time to get to callin'?)

    The side benefit of this intentional action is you'll fine-tune your sales skills and your numbers will get better over time. Think about it: if you do 500 presentations about your products or services in a year, won't you be markedly better than you are now? You'll improve your closing ratio, and reach and even exceed your goals way ahead of pace. I have a question: do you routinely surpass your goals? How would it feel if you did? It all comes down to consistent, daily actions. It's not sexy, it's not always fun, yet it will yield the results you want.

    Note: I notice lots of action being taken but in short bursts, just long enough to get tiny results (or sometimes none). Then these same folks quit right before they get into true momentum, just sure what they're doing isn't working. Before you begin a new strategy or tactic, create a comprehensive plan and within it determine a liberal amount of time you're going to stick with it. Give everything the time to work. The worst thing that can happen is you hang it up at 11:58, when the results were just about to happen right at 12. Seriously, you have to talk to more than 7 people to get those 100 new clients!

    Schedule an hour or two in the very near future to analyze your current business, determine some areas you want to see improved in the next 100 days, identify the best actions to take and then take them. I can't wait to hear about your amazing results!

    D is for Determination

    In my study of the most successful people in the world, the ones that consistently produce results far above others in their fields, all of them have a few things in common. One of their shared characteristics is determination. They are determined individuals who go after, and get, the results they want.

    Good news: Determination is a characteristic you choose, it is not one you're born with. It's your constant and determined effort that breaks down all resistance and removes all obstacles.

    Constant and determined effort comes from choice, your personal choice. You choose to be determined, and in the process you go over, under and/or around any obstacles in your way.

    Here's what you need to know:
    *you choose to be determined
    *you can choose to be determined at any time
    *your results are in direct proportion to your amount of determination

    "Believe in yourself and the truth becomes clear: anything is possible!" ~Honoree

    I is for Influence

    Your ability to create success is in direct proportion to your ability to influence your prospects to buy, and your clients to buy more. David, one of my top insurance producer clients, has mastered the art of influence and his numbers are the proof. Are you interested in increasing your influence and therefore your results? Read on.

    The 7 keys to mastering influence:

    1. Prepare. Create ideal client and ideal strategic partner profiles. Know your ideal clients inside and out: how much they make, how old they are, married or single, business owners or senior level professionals, what their biggest problems are, what has to happen in order for them to be successful, etc.

    2. Get your Game On. If you're not showing up, day in and day out, with your "A Game" you're losing business, opportunities, sales, and income. You can't afford the luxury of a negative thought or a down day. Crack your personal success code by figuring out what lights your fire and light that fire on a daily basis. The consequences of not doing it are simply not worth it.

    3. Make contact, lots of contact. The more you make (contacts, connections, calls), the more you make. Whatever you've been doing, double or triple it. You'll get better at making your pitch and closing the deal, your close ratio will go up, and your bottom line will grow. There's no downside to this, only better and better results.

    4. Create rapport. In a perfect world, we do business with our friends. Our friends are people we know, like and trust. If I don't know you, I surely don't know if I like you and therefore you don't get my trust, money, or referrals. Cross the bridge from friendly to friend, and you've got all three. In spades. Spend time mastering the art of creating rapport.

    5. Gain their interest. Influence truly starts with interest. Be different. Be compelling. Be interestED and interestING. You're always an interruption until you grab their attention. Give them something valuable: do you have a report that educates them on ways they can invest, workout or run their business better? Can you do an evaluation of their past 3 years of tax returns and get them some money back? What if they use the furniture they have, and add a few nice pieces of art for a whole new feel to their home? Tell them something that helps them to be better and they'll want to know more, and right away.

    6. Connect them to what ails them and make it bigger. This isn't mean-spirited if you know how to solve their problem. If they are under-insured and you fail to help them, their out-of-pocket expenses are on you. If they inherit a large sum of money and their estate plan isn't up-to-date, what a bummer it will be for them to overpay on their taxes. Your job is to help them see how awesome it's going to be for them once they've engaged you (and how bad it is if they don't).

    7. Emotion and logic. As humans, we buy emotionally and justify logically. You need to know both the emotional and logical reasons people buy from you. You'll be able to help your prospective clients justify buying to themselves and those of importance.

    Master these seven steps of influence, and more deals are yours! Take advantage of the fact that mass numbers of people believe we're having a bad economy, there's no business to be had, and are therefore not taking action. (Shhh! There's plenty! Go for it!) Enjoy the great results, you deserve them.

    Give Good Voicemail

    What's the difference between a great voicemail message and one that's lacking (and therefore stands less of a chance of getting returned right away, if at all)? It comes down to whether you "gave good voicemail" ... or not! Wouldn't it be great if there were official voicemail rules people had to follow? Here are some of the most effective ideas I've found on leaving effective messages, avoid wasting the time of the recipient - and having a better chance of getting your call returned!

    1. Start (and end) each message with your name and number. This makes it easy for the recipient to replay the message and capture your number, without having to listen to it all again. Do this until you are absolutely sure they have your number memorized or in their database (and how would you know that?). In other words, people are accessing their messages from places other than their offices, so always leave your contact information with every message. You can speed up the return of your call with this simple step.

    2. Prepare your message, in advance. What exactly do you want to say? Jot down a few notes prior to calling so you will remember everything you need your listener to know (and allow them to prepare properly before calling you back).

    3. Brevity is bliss. Make each message one minute long or less. Have more to say? Give the recipient an overview of what you'd like to discuss, and ask them to return your call. Sending a brief email is also another great alternative.

    4. In addition to your name and number, leave an actual message. Give them a clue as to why they need to call you back (including what information you need), when you're available and the level of urgency of your call. These are especially important if you're not well-acquainted. Otherwise the recipient may delay the return call because they don't have all needed information, or worse, they might delete your message thinking you're a telemarketer.

    5. Smile. This will enhance your tone, and without any other non-verbal cues (such as face and body language), your tone is all you have to communicate with.

    6. Match the volume and tonality of the recipient. A quick and effective way to create rapport is to match your recipient's outgoing message. If they sound quiet and shy, so should you. If they are ebullient and full of enthusiasm, well, fire it up!

    7. Include your availability. Phone tag can be frustrating, and one of the best ways to avoid it is to advise your listener when you can best be reached in the next couple of days. Another alternative is to schedule a phone meeting through their assistant or via email.

    Including these seven steps in your email practice will increase your productivity and elevate your standing as a true professional. Share this with your business contacts, they'll appreciate your help and you will all be on the same page!